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Dog High Five


Please read before signing up for services


PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL CLASSES. THERE ARE NO DROP-INS.  Your registration and spot in class will be confirmed upon our receipt of your completed Class Registration Form, signed Liability Waiver (unless you are a returning student with a signed Liability Waiver already on file), and payment. For assistance with any aspect of registration, please contact us.  By completing the registration process, you agree that you have read, understood and agree to all of the policies detailed below.



Payment via e-transfer is required before first class or session (Private Coaching and Day Training). 


For the comfort and safety of everyone, please respect the following rules:

  • Dogs must be on-leash at all times unless instructed otherwise; this includes entering and exiting the building

  • Because not all dogs like being approached while on-leash, and to avoid over-arousal, please do not allow your dog to greet others once on the grounds nor during class, unless otherwise instructed.

  • If your dog has issues with fear or aggression, please speak to us before registering for a class as a group class may not be the most productive training scenario for either of you initially. Private coaching is often the better option for addressing such issues.

Hearts and Hounds Dog Training uses non-aversive training methods and, as such, we do not use or allow choke, prong or shock collars in any of our sessions.  Please equip your dog with a flat buckle collar and/or harness and a 5- to 6-foot leash (no retractable/Flexi leashes please).

We ask that dogs in heat do not attend class as it may be difficult for the other dogs to concentrate.


For the safety of all participants in classes, dogs must be healthy and free from contagious diseases and parasites such as worms, fleas, or ticks.  Signs of ill health include but are not limited to: vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, yellow or green nasal or eye discharge, and skin lesions or hair loss.  If you believe your dog is affected by any of these, please notify us prior to the beginning of class. Dogs who are ill or infected with parasites may not attend class until cleared by a veterinarian.

For Puppy Start Right Preschool and Puppy Kindergarten classes, we require a Veterinary Certificate signed by your veterinarian that the following requirements have been met:

  1. Recent (within the past 21 days) physical examination by a veterinarian

  2. At least one Distemper-Adenovirus 2-Parvo (DAP) vaccine or equivalent administered by a veterinarian a minimum of 10 days prior to starting class

  3. Bordetella vaccine (preferably an intra-nasal vaccine) a minimum of 7 days prior to starting class

  4. Fecal examination

  5. Proactive de-worming for roundworms and hookworms (regardless of fecal results)

  6. Appropriate parasite prevention has been started (heartworm, intestinal, flea, tick)


Other considerations:

  1. Puppy should be healthy
    a) No vomiting or diarrhea
    b) Bright and alert
    c) Free of any coughing, sneezing, or yellow or green nasal or eye discharge
    d) Free of skin lesions or hair loss

  2. Puppy should be free of fleas/ticks (check with your veterinarian regarding safe and appropriate treatments and preventives for puppies)

  3. Your veterinarian considers your puppy healthy and free of any contagious diseases

Group Classes

We strive to make your dog training experience exceptional by offering small class sizes so you can receive personalized attention.  Because of our limited enrollment, we must abide by the following policies:

  • Payment in full is required before the first class.

  • Classes are non-transferable.  

  • There are no refunds once the session has begun so please check your calendar to ensure you can attend the class you register for.

  • Cancellations must be requested within a minimum of 48 hours after payment for a full refund less a $25 administration fee.  There are no refunds after the 48-hour period or first training class, whichever occurs first.

  • Exception for medical reasons:  If your dog must withdraw from class due to an injury or illness, a pro-rated credit less a $25 administration fee may be applied to a future class or service.  A note from your vet will be required within one week of notification of withdrawal.  Credit must be used within 6 months of withdrawal date.

  • For Puppy Start Right Preschool classes, withdrawal for medical reasons after receiving your Orientation Package will be eligible for a pro-rated credit towards a future class or service less the cost of the Puppy Start Right book, online videos, clicker and $25 administration fee.  Credit must be used within 6 months of withdrawal date.

  • Hearts and Hounds Dog Training reserves the right to reschedule classes due to weather or other circumstances.  In such case, you will be contacted by phone, text and/or email and the session will be rescheduled.


There are no refunds for missed classes.  Make-up classes may be allowed as follows:

  • Puppy Start Right Preschool – Your puppy’s critical window for socialization is very short, so we strongly encourage attendance every week to maximize this safe socialization and learning opportunity.  If you must miss a class, you will still have access to the online videos and written exercises for that week so you won’t be left behind.   You are welcome to attend the class without your puppy, or you may make up a maximum of one missed class on another week providing your puppy is still under 13 weeks of age at that time and the class is not full.  Because space is limited, attendance for a make-up class must be approved in advance.  You may schedule a paid private session to make up a missed class, however the Private Coaching fee will apply.

  • Puppy Kindergarten and Life Skills – You may make up a maximum of one missed class within 4 weeks of the end of the session you are enrolled in providing your puppy is within the age range for that class at that time and the class is not full.  Because space is limited, attendance for a make-up class must be approved in advance.  You may schedule a paid private session to make up a missed class, however the Private Coaching fee will apply.

  • Specialty classes such as Tricks for Treats, Takin’ It to the Streets, or other classes with set start and finish dates – There are no make-up classes for these programs. 

Private Coaching Sessions
  • Payment in full is required before the first session. 

  • Private Coaching sessions are non-refundable.  If, however, you decide a different service would better suit your needs, credit for any remaining sessions less a $25 administration fee may be applied to a service of your choice.  Credit must be used within 6 months.

  • We request a minimum of 24 hours for cancellation in order to receive a make-up session.  Cancellations made less than 24 hours prior to a scheduled session will be considered a used session.

  • Exception for medical reasons:  If you must cancel a session due to your dog experiencing a medical emergency, a credit (or pro-rated credit in the case of pre-purchased sessions) less a $25 administration fee may be applied to a future session or service.  A note from your vet will be required within one week of notification of withdrawal.  Credit must be used within 6 months of withdrawal date.

  • Pre-purchased sessions must be completed within 60 days of purchase.  

Puppy Start Right and Life Skills One-on-Ones
  • Payment in full is required before the first session. 

  • Puppy Start Right and Life Skills One-on-One sessions are non-refundable.

  • These programs consist of an initial 90-minute consultation plus 5 one-hour weekly sessions.  To achieve the maximum benefit, all sessions must be taken within 7 weeks.

  • We request a minimum of 24 hours for cancellation in order to receive a make-up session.  Cancellations made less than 24 hours prior to a scheduled session will be considered a used session.

  • Exception for medical reasons:  If you must cancel a session due to your puppy or dog experiencing a medical emergency, a pro-rated credit less a $25 administration fee may be applied to a future session or service.  A note from your vet will be required within one week of notification of withdrawal.  Credit must be used within 6 months of withdrawal date.

Day Training
  • Payment in full is required before the first session.  

  • Day Training sessions are non-refundable as without the critical step of transfer sessions, you will not know how to maintain the results of the work done with your dog.  If, however, you decide a different service would better suit your needs, credit for the remaining sessions less a $25 administration fee may be applied to a service of your choice.  Credit must be used within 6 months.

Note: Policies are subject to change.

FAQ anchor
Close up of Boxer dog with quizzical expression


  • Where are classes held?
    All classes are held at the St. James Community Square located at 3214 West 10th Avenue (corner of West 10th Ave and Trutch St) in Vancouver.
  • What should I bring to class?
    For all indoor classes, please bring: A hungry and healthy* dog A mat for your dog to relax on Pea-sized pieces of a variety of soft treats that your dog really likes; some favourites are freeze-dried liver, cheese, cooked chicken (the treats need to be more appealing than all the other people and dogs in the room!) A frozen stuffed Kong (see or other long-lasting chew treat (e.g., bully stick, sweet potato chew) Your clicker (provided at Orientation) and treat bag Non-squeaky toy All dogs must be on a collar and/or harness and leash a) Flat leather or nylon collars, harnesses b) A 5- to 6-foot leash c) No prong, choke, Martingale or shock collars, or retractable/Flexi leashes * If you believe your dog is sick (vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, yellow or green nasal or eye discharge, skin lesions or hair loss) or has parasites such as worms, fleas, or ticks, please notify us prior to the beginning of class. For the safety of all participants, dogs that are ill or infected with parasites are not permitted to attend class until cleared by a veterinarian. For Puppy Start Right Preschool and Puppy Kindergarten classes, in addition to the above, we require a Veterinary Certificate signed by your veterinarian that the following requirements have been met: Recent (within the past 21 days) physical examination by a veterinarian At least one Distemper-Adenovirus 2-Parvo (DAP) vaccine or equivalent administered by a veterinarian a minimum of 10 days prior to starting class Bordetella vaccine (preferably an intra-nasal vaccine) a minimum of 7 days prior to starting class Fecal examination Proactive de-worming for roundworms and hookworms (regardless of fecal results) Appropriate parasite prevention has been started (heartworm, intestinal, flea, tick) Other considerations: Puppy should be healthy: a) No vomiting or diarrhea b) Bright and alert c) Free of any coughing, sneezing, or yellow or green nasal or eye discharge d) Free of skin lesions or hair loss Puppy should be free of fleas/ticks (check with your veterinarian regarding safe and appropriate treatments and preventives for puppies) Your veterinarian considers your puppy healthy and free of any contagious diseases
  • Are children allowed in class?
    The entire family is encouraged to attend class, however only one person will work with your dog at a time. Anyone under age 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Children under 8 must have two adults present (one dog parent and one child parent).
  • Do you guarantee training results?
    There are too many variables involved in training a dog or implementing a behaviour modification program to guarantee results. We commit to working with you to educate and provide you with the tools and skills needed to achieve your training goals. The outcome will depend upon a number of factors including your own commitment level and how well you follow the recommended training program.
  • What happens if I have to miss a class?
    Puppy Start Right Preschool Your puppy’s critical window for socialization is very short, so we strongly encourage attendance every week to maximize this safe socialization and learning opportunity. If you must miss a class, you will still have access to the online videos and written exercises for that week so you won’t be left behind. You are welcome to attend the class without your puppy, or you may make up a maximum of one missed class on another week providing your puppy is still under 13 weeks of age at that time and the class is not full. Because space is limited, attendance for a make-up class must be approved in advance. You may schedule a paid private session to make up a missed class, however the Private Coaching fee will apply. Puppy Kindergarten You may make up a maximum of one missed class within 4 weeks of the end of the session you are enrolled in providing your puppy is within the age range for that class at that time and the class is not full. Because space is limited, attendance for a make-up class must be approved in advance. You may schedule a paid private session to make up a missed class, however the Private Coaching fee will apply. Please note: There are no make-up classes for Specialty classes such as Tricks for Treats, Takin’ It to the Streets, or other classes with set start and finish dates.
  • My vet says I should wait until my puppy is fully vaccinated or at least has had 2 sets of shots before coming to Puppy class. Should I wait?
    The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB) says that early socialization is essential to a happy and well-adjusted puppy and that the benefits of early socialization outweigh the risks of infectious disease. According to AVSAB, behavioural issues, not infectious diseases, are the number one cause of death for dogs under 3 years of age. To read the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior’s Position Statement on Puppy Socialization, please click here.
  • If my dog is in heat, can we still attend classes?"
    We ask that dogs in heat do not attend class as it may be difficult for the other dogs to concentrate.


Vancouver BC

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