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Puppy Start Right Preschool
Puppy Start Right PreSchool Logo

Prepare your puppy for a lifetime at your side. 
The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB) says that early socialization is essential to a happy and well-adjusted puppy. Click here for more information on Socialization and Vaccinations.

Puppy Start Right Preschool: 


For puppies between 7 and 13 weeks old at time of first class; minimum first set of vaccinations and deworming required 10 days prior to first class (please click here for full Health & Vaccine Requirements).

Puppy Start Right Preschool provides your puppy with crucial socialization through meeting and interacting with other people; supervised play with other puppies; controlled exposure to novel items and sounds; and being handled for grooming and vet visits, all in a fun and positive environment.  You’ll learn how to teach basic foundation skills such as Attention, Sit, Come, Targeting, Leave it/Drop it, Leash manners and more, and we’ll address common puppy topics such as crate and house training, chewing, nipping, jumping and more.  Classes are limited to 4 puppies to ensure everyone gets personal attention.

LOCATION:  St. James Community Square, 3214 W 10th Ave, Vancouver (West 10th & Trutch)

SESSION START DATESundays at 12 pm and 1:15 pm.  Continuous enrollment so you don’t have to wait for the next session to start!  No classes on statutory holidays.

COST - Option 1: $375  Includes:

  • Private New Puppy Consultation in your home* 

  • 4 x 1-hour consecutive weekly classes

  • Puppy Start Right e-book, online videos and materials to support in-class learning, and clicker if desired (a $42+ value).  Please note: use of a clicker is not required.​

COST - Option 2: $260  Includes:​

  • Online video Orientation*

  • 4 x 1-hour consecutive weekly classes

  • Puppy Start Right e-book, online videos and materials to support in-class learning, and clicker if desired (a $42+ value).  Please note: use of a clicker is not required.


Please read our Policies & FAQ section before registering for any of our services.


* We suggest scheduling your New Puppy Consultation or accessing the online Orientation video as soon as possible after you have registered as you will learn valuable information to put into practice with your puppy right away.

NOTE:  The Puppy Start Right program can also be taken privately in your home if our class schedule is not convenient.  Please see Private Coaching for details.

Puppy Kindergarten

Puppy Kindergarten:

For graduates of Puppy Start Right Preschool and new puppies between 14 and 20 weeks old; minimum first set of vaccinations required at least 10 days prior to first class

(please click here for full Health & Vaccine Requirements).

Puppy Kindergarten provides your puppy with ongoing socialization and you with the skills to teach the foundation behaviours that set the stage for future learning, such as Attention, Sit, Down, Stand, Stay, Come, Targeting, Leave it/Drop it, Go to your mat, and more. You will also learn how to prevent common behaviour issues such as jumping, mouthing, pulling on the leash, barking, and more.  (Puppy Start Right Preschool graduates will continue working on these skills at greater levels of difficulty.)  Through this class you will gain the knowledge to prepare your puppy to become a happy, well-behaved lifetime companion.  Classes are limited to 4 puppies to ensure everyone gets personal attention.

LOCATION:  St. James Community Square, 3214 W 10th Ave, Vancouver (West 10th & Trutch)

SESSION START DATESundays at 2:30 pm and Thursdays at 7 pm.  Continuous enrollment so you don’t have to wait for the next session to start!  No classes on statutory holidays.

COST:  $280  Includes:​

  • 6 x 1-hour consecutive weekly classes

  • Clicker if desired (use of a clicker is not required)

Please read our Policies & FAQ section before registering for any of our services.



Puppy Kindergarten can also be taken privately in your home if our class schedule is not convenient. Please see Private Coaching for details.



Hearts and Hounds | Puppy Training and Obedience Training Classes in Vancouver, BC

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